
Šefas G. L. Demarco atskleidė tobulo kepsnio paslaptis: išbandykite savo virtuvėje

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Nicolaas portretas
*Luca a can not wait to make with you the Hollands Matjes, and show the cleaning....the matjes, Bath the corona let us wait, and tat...! tat the Matjes big vitamin gif big nature from the sea. wat we need for anti stof in the body. for brake the corona and gif extra Omega..! to your body.! Bake Bief from the cow, tat gif the body zink. we need tat to stop the corona. So can good food help to make you body strong and help again the corona great Nicolas.


Fainas  portretas
tas Demarko. Patiekalų neteko ragaut bet mačiau per tv kad ir kalba ir gamina gerai


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